[A 7:48 minute video hosted on YouTube. English subtitles can be turned on if required]
<<Previous in series: What is local policy practice? (Part 1)
This is the second video in a series providing an understanding of local level policy practice and its development.
I hope that you find it provides a helpful way of thinking about policy practice in terms of the sub-practices and diffuse practices that constitute it.
I look forward to our discussions.
References and further reading
The video itself is reference free, but I would like to acknowledge that I have used ideas from the following sources as well as my own research. I would recommend the texts as further reading too.
On different paradigms of change
- Vermaak, H. and de Caluwé, L. (2018) ‘The colors of change revisited: Situating and describing the theory and its practical applications’, in Noumair, D. and Shani, A. B. (eds) Research in organizational change and development, Vol. 26. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 167–216.
- There are also other accessible resources on the colors of change idea, including a tool to assess your perspective of change available at https://hansvermaak.com/en/publicaties/
On documents and documenting
- Freeman, R. and Maybin, J. (2011) ‘Documents, practices and policy’, Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 7(2), pp. 155–170. doi: 10.1332/174426411X579207.